Photo identification is a non-invasive technique developed in the 1970s for South Atlantic whales on which most modern whale studies are based.
Further, it may be the most non-invasive technique possible for performing early screening.
A reliable non-invasive diagnostic technique would represent a considerable advance.
Microtherapy is a term given to several invasive and non-invasive medical techniques.
This is a recently developed, non-invasive technique developed for easier clinical use.
Nina learned that her condition was reversible with a non-invasive surgical technique.
These completely non-invasive techniques have the advantage of being carried out on an outpatient basis but the treatment may take up to two years.
Moreover, in humans, new non-invasive techniques are readily available to survey the correlates of consciousness.
Excavations were next undertaken in 1960, by which time new technology meant non-invasive techniques such as magnetometery could be used alongside digging.
In the past, exploratory surgery was one common way to look inside the body, but today doctors can use a huge array of non-invasive techniques.