Thanks to the subtitles in various languages, it offers glances on the Francophonie to the non-French speakers.
Intermarriage with non-French speakers and the growth of the English language in the area gradually weakened the bonds of the ethnic churches.
These factors make it difficult for non-French speakers to understand the nuances of the lyrics, and even more difficult to translate the lyrics.
This may be the case literally when a French speaker has to communicate with a non-French speaker but, even within a common language, usage varies enormously.
For non-French speakers, an online translator tool roughly translates this comment as:
How much non-French speakers can understand is a question.
It has provided English translations of key texts to make them readily available to non-French speakers.
French language classes are mandatory for non-French speakers.
I have also been pleased to see several non-French speakers take the floor, because I do not want culture to be assimilated with the French language.
France is clearly hell, especially for non-French speakers seeking vegetarian food in this non-veg paradise.