For every dollar of HOME funds received, jurisdictions must provide a 25 cents match in non-federal sources.
In an act of particular meanness, the restrictions would apply to money that legal aid groups raise from non-Federal sources, like state and local governments and private contributions.
From time to time the CFSCI has received grants from non-Federal sources, primarily insurance organizations.
In addition, it also does not contain information about small, site-specific federal sources or non-federal sources.
The interest rate is determined by your ability to obtain credit elsewhere (from non-federal sources).
In each case, funds from private and non-federal public sources provided the funds to build the library.
Among the most successful in obtaining corporate assistance has been Carnegie Mellon, which receives $40 million a year, or a quarter of its total research budget, from non-Federal sources.
"Establishing a stable non-Federal source of money will go a long way in gaining credibility," Mr. Vietri said.
The total increase in higher education spending from all these non-Federal sources is staggering.
State and local revenues from non-Federal sources actually rose from 11 percent of G.N.P. in 1980 to 12.2 percent in 1990.