A non-essential service if ever there was one.
On these days, most businesses and non-essential services closed.
As part of the reduction in BBC Online's budget of 25%, all non-essential services that did not focus around core products were closed.
The storm was developing rapidly; short-wave radio - still used for many non-essential services - would by now have been disrupted all over the world.
Before leaving office Conte audited the city budget, questioning why non-essential services were included when the Arvada's revenue was declining.
This occurred regardless of negative economic effects and would apply to most non-essential services.
In addition, non-essential services can also be funded by a citizen sharing the cost with their employer.
Most non-essential services and places of business would traditionally close earlier on Wednesday afternoons until the 1970s.
In the absence of appropriated funds, the government discontinues providing non-essential services at the beginning of the affected fiscal year.
As a result non-essential services remained in effect until the end of 1919.