It required that all government contracts have a non-discrimination clause.
But successive governments have done nothing over the past 20 years to ensure that LGBT citizens are included in non-discrimination clauses in statute laws.
It also clarified that the non-discrimination clause was indeed applicable to copyright.
Initially it was a fairly weak agency, but its authority was significantly strengthened in 1943 by a new executive order that required all government contracts to have a non-discrimination clause.
The non-discrimination clause also does not ban nationality discrimination elsewhere than in economic activity.
Specifically, research and scientific activities do not fall under the non-discrimination clause.
She and a few others pushed to get sexual orientation added to the school's non-discrimination clause, and finally succeeded.
We have some non-discrimination clauses, but it is not clear.
It is therefore essential for a non-discrimination clause to be included as part of the revision of the Treaty.
The non-discrimination clause in the Amsterdam Treaty will present us with a further need to act.