Working with non-disabled children in the Casa dei Bambini in 1907, Montessori began to develop her own pedagogy.
By interacting with same-aged non-disabled children, children with autism were observed to be six times more likely to engage in social relations outside of the classroom.
It is starting two Primary schools, one each at Bavla and Naaz where non-disabled and disabled children will study together in inclusive settings.
It is the charity's belief that the play environment is the perfect environment for disabled and non-disabled children to develop their understanding and acceptance of each other.
She helps the children use art to deal with trauma and bridge the gap between disabled and non-disabled children.
Children with disabilities are less likely to attend school than non-disabled children.
Even in countries where most non-disabled children go to school, many children with disabilities do not go to school.
For example in Bolivia about 98% of non-disabled children go to school, but under 40% of disabled children attend school.
In Indonesia, over 80% of non-disabled children go to school, but less than 25% of children with disabilities go to school.
The program helps provides students with intellectual disabilities with the same school experience and learning opportunities as non-disabled children.