Where the accounts of an incident appear to support such a coincidence, the individual casualty has been given the benefit of the doubt, and assigned a non-combatant status.
Despite everything that Mr Snow and Clearwater had said, he felt that his manhood was diminished by his enforced non-combatant status.
The Helots have no con- ception of non-combatant status.
Bahá'ís sought non-combatant status in World War Two when drafted and often served as medics.
In accordance with the law of armed conflict and to maintain non-combatant status, Halliburton does not arm its truck drivers.
Souder also applied for non-combatant status during the Vietnam War on religious grounds.
I should explain that I was a 'conshy' and being awarded non-combatant status in the Army, had,...
Ordination by an authorized ecclesiastical body became a legal requirement and the non-combatant status of chaplains was officially recognised.
Members serve in a non-combatant status in the military.
When there was a Selective Service draft, church members, and sometimes friends (unconverted people, often family members, who attend regularly), served in a non-combatant status in the military.