These territories were settled by a range of non-Christian peoples who were expected to pay yasak either in kind or cash.
Migrants thought the culture would be more tolerant since the lands were overwhelmingly populated by non-Christian indigenous peoples.
The 19th century was a time of major efforts in evangelizing missionary expeditions to all non-Christian people.
The non-Christian people who were objects of the campaigns at various dates included:
Since 1978 has worked to increase the education and basic health care of the poor and mainly non-Christian people of Pakistan.
This was related to their association of non-Christian people as savages.
As this holiday is defined as a nonreligious celebration, many non-Christian people still celebrate the holiday.
Together with people from other nations, especially non-Christian, Africans were considered foreigners, not able to be English subjects.
I mean right now it looks like we're prejudiced or something, only attacking nations with dark-skinned, non-Christian people.
However, a large percentage of non-Christian people do attend.