From 1811 to 1817 he led Georgetown University and he decided to open this catholic institution to non-catholic students.
The School exempts non-catholic students from participating in the exercises particular to the Catholics.
Although it's a private Catholic school, it also accepts non-catholic students.
In fact, there are now non-Catholic students on waiting lists for placement in Catholic schools.
Often the non-Catholic students are black, Catholic educators say.
But in the Bronx, non-Catholic students were 17.1 percent of the Catholic elementary school population.
Finally, if there is room, non-Catholic students are admitted.
Although Central is a Catholic high school, it is open to non-Catholic students as well.
It is a common expectation that non-Catholic students take religion classes and attend the spiritual exercises of the school.
In some, there is not even a single nun or brother, and non-Catholic students outnumber Catholics.