They generally correspond to non-binding recommendations.
Some EU company law is also in the form of non-binding 'recommendations' or 'opinions'.
Governor may grant commutation of death sentence with a non-binding recommendation from the Board.
It provides non-binding recommendations for return or for ex gratia payments.
Lukas and Barrera are expected to have a hearing within 15 days before an administrative law judge, who will then issue non-binding recommendations to the state board.
The United States Food and Drug Administration has published a non-binding recommendation that addresses just this point.
Its main task is to issue non-binding recommendations on the resolution of disputes between consumers and business operators.
The word 'directive' creates the impression that these are non-binding recommendations, hence well-meaning advice.
Our own-initiative report calls for comprehensive regulation at Community level, since the guidelines proposed by the Commission are a collection of non-binding recommendations.
With regard to blood for transfusion there is no legal recourse, under Article 129, for us to take any action apart from non-binding recommendations.