He has given many distinguished lectures and plenary addresses, and has presented to academic and non-academic audiences throughout the world, including over 100 media interviews.
He has always tried to bring scientific knowledge to general public through books, articles for non-academic audience and a TV series on "Magic Universe of the Brain".
The former was created from the efforts of gifted lecturer Frederic Wood Jones who attracted an enthusiastic non-academic audience to his public lectures in the 1930s.
Several shorter versions of the book have been published for young and non-academic audiences, and a revised edition released in 2011.
She is far from being an "ivory tower" scholar, but has succeeded in making her views accessible to both academic and non-academic audiences.
Swift writes for both academic and non-academic audiences, and is a frequent contributor to political debates about education.
The Blood of the Nation was intended to promote the eugenics movement and bring its aims to a broader non-academic audience.
And widening that impact doesn't always mean going to non-academic audiences.
The thematic approach of the book and its intended non-academic audience (6) corresponds with a focus on contemporary Canadian literature as a point of entry.
This year had a profound influence on his thinking about Asian religion and myth, and also on the necessity for teaching comparative mythology to a larger, non-academic audience.