Their calls for secession (or emigration) reflect their fear that the survival, let alone autonomy, of the non-Russian peoples will never be secure in such a state.
These include the economic progress that non-Russian peoples have made, often in stark contrast to ethnically similar people in neighboring countries.
Representatives from all the free estates of the realm, government bodies, and non-Russian people considered the state of Russia's laws.
But it also makes it easier to justify special treatment of these non-Russian peoples, as in the autonomy laws approved just yesterday by the Supreme Soviet.
Contrary to popular belief, pre-Soviet Russia didn't always swallow non-Russian peoples against their will.
Given this history, many Russian and non-Russian peoples seek some form of union.
Russianization and Sovietization, for example, did not automatically lead to Russification - change in language or self-identity of non-Russian peoples to being Russian.
In 1924 he returned to Moscow where he headed different propaganda departments whose objectives were to spread Soviet ideology among non-Russian peoples.
Yet she wanted to say, But can't you see that this White Star is a symbol, a yearning of the non-Russian people to be free?
The idea was to combat Soviet imperialism by supporting irredentist movements among the non-Russian peoples of the Soviet Union.