This pleased conservative groups, who were concerned about sending so many young people out of the country, particularly to non-Muslim nations of which more than half were women.
The leaders of non-Muslim nations, clearly worried that they might face similar condemnation over their treatment of secessionist territories, resisted any effort to punish Yugoslavia.
They were recruited from among the ranks of the non-Muslim subject nations of the Turkish empire, such work being seen as beneath the dignity of a Muslim.
The theory has provided evidence to the allegation that Indian Muslims "cannot be loyal citizens of India" or any other non-Muslim nation, and are "always capable and ready to perform traitorous acts".
It brought together Muslim and non-Muslim nations to eradicate preconceptions of Islam and Terrorism.
Why are Muslim nations singled out for holding similar gender biases as non-Muslim nations asks Moghadan.
The Requerimiento probably had its origins as early as the 8th century in the Dawah messages sent to non-Muslim nations by Arab conquerors, demanding that their recipients submit to Islamic rule (see Aslim Taslam).
Among non-Muslim nations: India trots docilely behind Mr. Arafat to mute Muslim support of Pakistan.
They were recruited from among the ranks of the non-Muslim subject nations of the Turkish empire, such as Greeks, Armenians, Jews, Roma and others.
While more than three-quarters of 145 non-Muslim nations around the world are now democracies, most countries with an Islamic majority continue to defy the trend, according to a survey published last week by Freedom House in New York.