Between 2000 and 2010, the country's Hispanic population increased 43% while the non-Hispanic population rose just 4.9%.
From 1990 to 2000, the city's white non-Hispanic population declined from 53.6% to 45.9%, a -15% (-7 percentage point) decline.
On the other hand, the white non-Hispanic population is generally older and comes to the polls in reliable, high numbers.
By comparison the nation's non-Hispanic population increased by about 7 percent in the same period.
In the same period, the state's white non-Hispanic population fell by nearly 5 percent.
The white, non-Hispanic population, estimated at roughly 196 million, grew by 0.3 percent during the same period.
In a twenty-year span ending in 2000, the non-Hispanic white population decreased by 50%.
In the same seven-year period, the non-Hispanic population has increased 6 percent, to 220 million this year from 208 million in 1980, the report said.
Much of the non-Hispanic population moved away in reaction.
The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population make up 63% of the nation's total.