After this, to placate these passengers, the attendant moved two non-English-speaking children to the seats the angry couple had rejected.
A. In Westchester County there is a growing population of limited and non-English-speaking children.
In the intense debate, one side says bilingual classes are necessary to ease non-English-speaking children into regular classes and to prevent them from falling behind.
Queila's response demonstrates the different possibilities for all non-English-speaking children trying to learn English.
Traditional bilingual programs seek to educate non-English-speaking children by teaching them in their native language until they are confident enough to learn exclusively in English.
The effect, rather, is to exclude schools with smaller numbers of poor, disabled or non-English-speaking children from being judged by how well they educate those groups.
Consider special audiences in your community, including those who are non-English-speaking, older children, and even adults who may want to participate.
And a school budget went down on the first of two votes, in part because of the burden of educating non-English-speaking children.
On a pedagogical level, supporters of special instruction for non-English-speaking children are also divided.
It gave Texas a preschool program for poor and non-English-speaking children.