An alternative is Wallaahi, "By my God", often contracted by non-Arab populations in Africa to Wallai.
Many Arab countries in the Persian Gulf have sizable (10-30%) non-Arab populations, usually of a temporary nature, at least in theory.
In 2004 and 2005 PHR conducted interviews with Darfurian refugees in Chad, and found evidence of attempts to wipe out non-Arab populations.
Because of the war in Darfur between Sudanese government forces and the non-Arab indigenous population, the region has been in a state of humanitarian emergency since 2003.
The government-supported Janjaweed were accused of committing major human rights violations, including mass killing, looting, and systematic rape of the non-Arab population of Darfur.
There are examples of non-Arab Muslim populations assisting Jews to escape from the Holocaust in Europe, in Albania for example.
And Al Qaeda takes advantage of our tendency to stereotype Arabs as terrorists by actively recruiting among the non-Arab population.
The government is also responsible for driving out the originally non-Arab population.
By the standard of Israel's "law of return," intended to bolster the non-Arab population, anyone with at least one Jewish grandparent may become a citizen of Israel.
The violence was triggered by the circulation of a letter - which the government insisted was forged - outlining a plan to increase Khuzestan's non-Arab population.