Her nomination won immediate praise from those involved with immigration issues.
One possibility, whose nomination would presumably win quick approval, is George J. Tenet, the Acting Director.
He gained a great success when, in 1886, his nomination, Lord Lichfield's Elis, won the Leger.
In those counties, whoever gets the Republican nomination wins the General Election.
Retailers Debenhams and La Senza also received 2 nominations but no brand or retailer won more than one award on the night.
Mr. Harvey's nomination won praise from a wide array of lawyers and legislators.
The strength of the vote left no doubt that the nomination would win full Senate approval.
Sotomayor's nomination won praise from Democrats and liberals, and Democrats appeared to have sufficient votes to confirm her.
Based on what the Senate's hearings disclose, the Clinton Administration may find that this nomination cannot win confirmation.
Mr. Bashaw's nomination must win approval from the agency's board, although that is considered a formality.