He was nominated about 926 by King Æthelstan.
Carr is nominated for his joke about "A couple who get on like a house on fire.
"When you're nominated, everyone wants to talk to you, about you, and it's hard not to think, well, aren't I fascinating?"
He was also nominated for an Emmy for his work on Mad About You.
He stepped into the chair at Notre-Dame, being also nominated canon, about the year 1115.
Robert was nominated to the see of London by the Empress Matilda and consecrated in 1141, possibly about July.
Joyner was nominated for the "best actress" award at the All About Soap Awards in 2012 and later won the award.
Wulfsige was nominated about 993.
He was nominated about 29 January 1305 and consecrated on 30 May 1305.
Briwere was nominated about 25 November 1223 and consecrated on 21 April 1224.