When he was nominated chairman of the group more than two decades ago, Rabbi Alexander M. Schindler said that similar allegations were raised about his political leanings.
On 5 September 2008, the peoples party nominated its co-chairman and chairman of central executive committee, Asif Ali Zardari, for the upcoming presidential election.
In March he was nominated chairman of the commons committee for the inspection of the courts of justice, but did not act.
In 1903, Chadwyck-Healey was nominated chairman of the Admiralty Volunteers Committee, an office he held until 1914.
He was considered for Treasury secretary, but President Bush nominated Henry M. Paulson Jr., chairman and chief executive of Goldman Sachs.
After some discussion the matter was referred to a committee, of which Browne was nominated chairman.
He was nominated chairman by George W. Bush on February 13, 2006, and sworn in on July 31.
In 1998 Vivien was nominated chairman of the MILS, which had been formed to coordinate government monitoring of sectes (name given to cults in France).
At the conference of the Central Union of Conservative Associations, Lord Randolph was nominated chairman, despite the opposition of the parliamentary leaders.
Robert L. James, chairman and chief executive of McCann-Erickson Worldwide in New York, was nominated chairman.