Seventeen supervisors are nominally responsible for 986 school buildings in the system.
Francis took radical steps to modernise and rationalise the organisation and responsibilities of the museum and other organisations for which it was nominally responsible.
While the Saudi Government is nominally responsible for security in the area, many of the details of the security plan were left to the United States and its Western allies.
Based in Londinium, and nominally responsible to the Vicarius, he is effectively the ruler - treasurer, administrator and magistrate with wide powers.
The Surveyor General of New South Wales is the person nominally responsible for government surveying in New South Wales.
The Surveyor General of Victoria is the person nominally responsible for government surveying in Victoria, Australia.
The Bargemaster is "nominally responsible for the Crown".
President Bush's detractors will say it is only fitting: the man nominally responsible for making sure that Mr. Bush talks well and sounds good often consumes himself with worry.
Breitinger was nominally responsible for the spiritual well-being of German Catholics living in Poland.
Mr. Messner is nominally responsible for economic policy, though his Government merely carries out the directives of the Communist Party.