The Lt. Governor appointed four of the bank's fifteen directors making for a tight bond between the nominally private company and the state.
The club is nominally private, though I found showing up hungry, curious and cheerful to be sufficient criteria for entrance.
The administration appointed four of the bank's fifteen directors that, as with the Clergy Corporation, made for a tight bond between the nominally private company and the state.
Network Rail is a nominally private "not for dividend" company.
Farm ownership was nominally private, but discretion over operations and residual income were proscribed.
The institute is a nominally private organization that handles American relations with Taiwan in the absence of formal diplomatic ties.
The debate over when to attribute governmental functions to a nominally private organization is an old one at the court.
Several sections of the line were closed shortly after the acquisition of the nominally private railway companies by the Prussian state railways.
Many are nominally private, which means you only get in if the doormen like the way you look.
So the Government last year created a nominally private Asian Women's Fund to solicit donations and make payments.