A new cellphone headset can help you find some quiet in a noisy world.
"It's a noisy world now, and people want to take a break from all that."
Bobby's great gift, inherited from his brother, is an ability to appreciate "this whole big, beautiful noisy world."
The Sound of Silence We live in a noisy world.
He recommended retreats in a noisy world, and gave a beautiful description of their purpose.
It is a refuge from the noisy and dangerous concrete world just outside the schoolhouse door.
It's a noisy world, and it's hard to get attention for a children's book.
As so often happens far away from the noisy world, the accompaniment of the water seemed to give the music a clearer, higher sound.
Megan had forgotten how noisy the outside world could be.
"I always thought of Ix as a noisy industrial world."