Some jubilant Serbs fired anti-aircraft batteries in a noisy celebration of peace.
Nobody, all through the long, noisy celebration, mentioned Nimue to me, and I did not ask again.
It's a colorful, noisy, globe-trotting three-dimensional celebration of - Mark Twain?
Witnesses said the Gavinas had a somewhat noisier celebration, with firecrackers and bottle rockets being set off by children in their front yard.
He proceeded to put on a noisy celebration.
To have a noisy celebration going on at such a time is causing considerable distress to the family of the late Sir Nelson.
Sinulog takes place at the end of January, when there are ten or days of noisy celebration.
Compared to the noisy celebrations over the border, Lancashire Day is a relative non-event.
Riker leaned in, not that discretion was necessary in this noisy celebration.
He was in the company of just a few friends - a noisy celebration was already under way elsewhere - and no one was speaking much.