Venere serves its buffets in a warm, crowded and noisy atmosphere.
It serves barbecue and an assortment of American country fare in a noisy, casual, family-style atmosphere.
On nights when there is entertainment in the bar, the glass panels are removed, adding a noisy, convivial atmosphere.
They may cry or start to fuss if they're in a busy, noisy atmosphere.
Engineers work in a hot, humid, noisy atmosphere.
The noisy, hip atmosphere befits the restaurant's Mission District neighborhood.
She remembers what a graceful dancer Stout was, and how thoroughly he enjoyed the crowded, noisy atmosphere.
He was surprised to see how close to the players the fans were and how noisy the atmosphere was.
Popeye's buddy Wimpy wouldn't feel out of place in its friendly, noisy atmosphere.
Park bench booths (enclosed in wood) insure some privacy, but not so much that you miss the lively, noisy atmosphere around you.