The node showed new coruscations of red, vibrating to such vivid fervor that Cugel was reluctant to pin it again to his cap.
If any unusual nodes or masses show themselves, you may be able to get a jump on treatment.
Each node of the tree show the GUI components used in this software.
Julia's nodes showed her the second-level guardian programs falling as the virus penetrated.
For example, 15 years ago a woman whose breast disease was detected early and whose lymph nodes did not show signs of cancer might not have been given radiation or chemotherapy until the disease had spread.
The red nodes show where we have data storage; green ones show computer elements.
Circled nodes show which mirrors are active for each form; a mirror is active with respect to a vertex that does not lie on it.
The fact that their nodes are live and don't show the sort of wear we ought to see if they've got tuner failure would certainly seem to argue that they lied toWarlock about the nature of their engineering problems, but that's all we've got.
Looking at his chart, she could see a pattern forming: each time he moved a working plug it went into an outer area, relative to the ship's central axis, of whichever node showed weakest.