Whitney nodded sheepishly and accepted his proffered handkerchief, dabbing at her eyes.
The lawyer nodded sheepishly, handing over the file.
I dropped my eyes and nodded sheepishly.
The other operatives nodded sheepishly from their chairs.
Stephen nodded sheepishly, and remained in the library just long enough to make a neat stack of the books he'd been studying.
The stricken sailor nodded sheepishly as two other crewmen helped him away.
The guards nodded sheepishly, tensed as Deny moaned and began to stir.
Gillian nods sheepishly, while Charlie slingshots me a look.
Colleen nodded sheepishly, unable to speak; she could only grip his arm and hang on for dear life.
Freddy nodded sheepishly and led his audience out through the French windows.