Fiona and Walker stared at each other for a long, silent moment before she pursed her lips and nodded regally.
Verence nodded regally at oats to signal that whatever it was that he intended ought to start around now.
The old woman nodded regally and dipped her hands daintily into the bowl and rubbed them together.
The little empress, her composure returning slowly, nodded regally.
Gently taking his fingers, she stepped gracefully from the limousine and nodded regally.
Seserakh nodded regally, and he turned away to greet Alder and Onyx.
He nodded regally and said, gazing at his mother with expressionless eyes, "Thank you, Mama, for deciding not to go to war."
Lucinda regally nodded and sailed from the room.
Madame Valenskaya nodded regally and motioned to them to sit down.
Luna Garza nodded to him regally, said, "Many thanks," and wheeled me out into the night.