I sat for a while, nodding intently.
When cameras approached, Mrs. Clinton nodded intently and squinted hard, the look of a listener.
His disciples listened and nodded intently.
County commissioners listened politely, nodded intently, then ignored them, too.
He was on the other side of a big glass pane, talking with an older man, nodding intently as if he were receiving important instructions.
They all nodded intently, tossing nervous eye contact back and forth.
Gayle was nodding intently, trying to memorize all of that, as Crit left.
Graying heads huddled together, the men nodded intently; they could have been examining a map, charting a course through dangerous shoals.
She nodded intently, head down.
Mr. Perle listens and nods intently, even though the young man speaks in Farsi.