De Soya nods attentively, but, in truth, his attention is focused on the Raphael stanze he is glimpsing through open doors of the papal apartments as they pass.
He did not know her dinner mate, introduced as a retired French general; Morgan nodded attentively and memorized the name-Ambrose Xavier-in case it might become of use.
The students nodded attentively.
Stephen nodded attentively before he chose to speak again.
Ned Beaumont nodded attentively without warmth.
The customs man was droning on about the various legal requirements, forms to be filed and medical scans to be completed, and Balthasar was nodding attentively at every pause.
While the luncheon guests gathered around, champagne flutes in hand, the Duchess giggled at all the appropriate moments and nodded attentively at information about wing spans and habitats.
I didn't ask the question out loud, just nodded attentively like a good student.
Anxious to make good their getaway, he and Roland nodded attentively until the Ra Boys were out of sight.
Two hours into the evening, Mr. Cortines leaned against the stage, nodding attentively as a P.T.A. president grumbled about classroom overcrowding.