There are people in eastern Bergen who think this study is a noble venture that would result in even finer schools that would expose students to many cultures.
They'll sing you in Gwynedd for this noble venture, how you jumped a brook and showed yourselves heroes against women older than your mothers, and a world more honest.
Pettitt's company cooperated in this noble venture, although no resurrection occurred.
A noble venture for which I expect to receive no thanks, as by its very nature the perpetrator of the deed must remain anonymous.
In this sense, the two-year-old company has embarked on a noble venture of great interest.
Aside from the honor of taking part in a noble venture and so forth?
It was and remains a noble and daring venture, and it still offers its audiences work of a quality and a style not often seen elsewhere in New York.
"I've got one other possible avenue to pursue-when you get to my age, you appreciate the value of a backstreet or two in the city of noble ventures."
I thought 'Posse' was a noble venture," he said of the recent film about a group of black cowboys.
"It was a noble and worthy venture," said Dr. Jack C. Lewin, a family practitioner who is executive vice president of the 28,000-member association.