Another states that the country should "preserve the noble values of the tribes, which coincide with Shariah."
Heroism in battle and the noble values of the samurai tradition are the principal themes.
"This terrorist act contradicts the principles of our true Muslim religion and its noble values," the statement said.
In other words, the Centre strives to inculcate students with universal noble values and to instill in them a sense of patriotism for their country.
The noble values of order and degree are not apparent in the 'young conception' that has formed in his mind.
If even some of the world's political leaders displayed a fraction of his dedication to noble values, we would live in a much better world.
Only then can we defend with patriotic idealism and in poetic struggle the noble values of Tradition, Family, Hearth and Homeland.
Instead the Order of Polonia Restituta was established to once again reward the noble values that the original stood for.
Europe stands for the noble values of peace, freedom and social development, values which have to be constantly defended for the very reason that they were won at a high price.
Berman spots the paradox straight away: In over 20 war zones, Kouchner and his doctors have demonstrated all the noble values attributed to Che Guevara.