Attila has been portrayed in various ways, sometimes as a noble ruler, sometimes as a cruel barbarian.
There are few surviving sources on Caligula's reign, although he is described as a noble and moderate ruler during the first two years of his rule.
"And we welcome the chance to view the beautiful kingdom of Arakkaran ... blessed with so noble a ruler. "
Throughout his pontificate, Henry was supported by a group of noble rulers, who at different times appear as his allies or his staff.
The Ghibellines were the noble rulers of Florence.
Hayton was an Armenian noble, ruler of the city of Corycus.
'Do we go to the palace and rescue our noble rulers from this skaven menace?'
He's a noble and a ruler, aye.
"Symbolizing, among other virtues, prosperity and wise administration, the qilin only appears during the reign of a noble and honorable ruler."
"Break something that helped make you into the noble ruler that you are?"