He was great once, of a noble kind that we should not dare to raise our hands against.
It's a noble kind of loneliness, don't you think?
'As your highness may have noticed, I don't write to you overmuch, not bein' an educated woman like your wife and the noble kind.
There are plenty of real dogs here: kind, noble, playful, spirited, attentive, loving and ready to throw up on the rug without a moment's notice.
Aristos see themselves as kind, good-hearted, moral, noble and merciful.
"He happens to be very religious, a noble kind of person."
In the nobler kinds, where strength could be afforded, her races are loyal to truth, as truth is the foundation of the social state.
Saruman "was great once, of a noble kind that we should not dare raise our hands against" but decays as the book goes on.
M. G. Ramachandran's performance as a kind, noble, and brave leader later helped him build a massive reputation in his political career.
It seemed a nobler kind of grain to raise than corn even.