King's College was then famous for the study of music; Preston chose 'the noblest but hardest instrument, the lute', but made little progress.
At this annual celebration of the canoe as one of mankind's more noble instruments, the poet of paddle, Harry Roberts, gave his audience assurance.
We cannot, indeed, give them credit for either great sagacity or goodness, else they would have chosen more noble instruments, when they wished to shew themselves the benevolent friends of man.
Perhaps I am meant to be the noble instrument that raises you to the lofty position that is yours by right!
"It's a noble instrument," said Ahrens, favoring Kate with another dirty look, "and if there were any justice in an unjust world, I'd be able to submit my stories typed on good heavy paper stock rather than using that travesty."
"This machine is the noblest instrument I have ever played," he said.
Larry McMurtry, who wrote the film with Diana Ossana, thanked his Hermes 3000 typewriter, "one of the noblest instruments of European genius."
Bits of his style - that noble instrument so refined, so beautifully, not to put too fine a point on it, Jamesian - stole into the pages of her first novel, "Trust," and caused some critics to flinch.
This was one of the noblest instruments yet made by man, a messenger to a new age, and it would soon fly aimlessly.
I had a $60 grand piano - not a very noble instrument.