And may it reveal that this noble institution, along with the nation it epitomizes, has overcome the formidable challenges it now faces.
They are institutions, noble but comparatively static.
The school, thus improved, became in time a truly useful and noble institution.
"You obviously haven't heard of the noble institution of the congaie?"
The situation has added poignancy because it involves a school, a noble and underfinanced institution.
These noble institutions created a dedicated cavalry corps that was directly funded by its members.
These offices will make all the necessary arrangements preparatory to Steele's matriculating at our noble institution of higher learning.
Contemporary society's belief was that the community was a noble institution that could be trusted, a notion Ibsen challenged.
You accept both of these noble institutions without an instant's thought.
"You will contend, if you please, that marriage is a noble and holy institution, while I will hold the opposite view."