There are of course, some noble exceptions to that - but not many.
There was very little religious conversion but an interesting noble exception was the Countess of Charlemont.
In the charge of general corruption, there are undoubtedly many noble exceptions to be made.
With some noble exceptions - Willy Brandt and Richard von Weizsacker among them - politicians have admitted German guilt only under pressure.
Yet these noble exceptions from the general misrule served but to strengthen it by opposition.
With noble exceptions, the leaders of some of the big unions as well as big companies come off as unconcerned about the lives of their members and their work force.
I agree that professional scientists aren't necessarily the best people to present their research to the general public, but that doesn't imply that journalists (besides some noble exceptions) are better.
Concerning the futility of the people who try to help, I wish to make one notable, noble exception, namely, the Dr. Barnardo Homes.
Every word Polly said here is absolutely true and said with a passion that seems completely absent from the Labour party (with the noble exception of Dennis Skinner).
With a few noble exceptions, the state's founders in the 1830's were a band of thieves.