The hero tries to use his body for noble endeavors, such as helping out on a family farm.
Why aren't we marching in the streets to demand that our government do more to help in this noble endeavor?
If we do that, will you, the country of democracy and freedom, join us in this noble endeavor?
Besides, such an affair would only enhance the sale of my books, a noble endeavor to which they had no wish to contribute.
It says, "We honor business as a noble endeavor."
We should recall that Europe's colonization was not an efficient or noble endeavor.
"A noble endeavor," said a voice behind me; "you can certainly jump."
If the European Union were to join them in this, that would be a noble endeavour.
Creating more jobs is a noble endeavour, but not at the expense of the environment and natural resources.
A truly noble endeavor and one for which I am very proud of him.