Others said it was the mark of a determined no-nonsense leader with perhaps a sense of theater.
Although still a forceful, no-nonsense leader, Koenig also displayed a lighter, more humorous side to his personality.
But maybe the public will again yearn for a no-nonsense leader.
The quarterback Roger Staubach comes across as a no-nonsense leader, though he cannot quite explain his complicated relationship with Landry.
Elizabeth Lochley is a forceful, no-nonsense military leader.
Throughout his career Kutepov had a reputation for being a decisive, direct, and no-nonsense military leader.
Nearby, Parcells sits in the office used by the legendary coach Tom Landry, another no-nonsense leader.
He had a reputation as a no-nonsense leader and administrator who would not entertain any margin for error.
A no-nonsense but kind leader.
This decision badly bruised the President's image as the tough no-nonsense leader who carried a pistol in his belt and swore never to negotiate with terrorists.