The excess nitrogen, he believes, has caused a speedup in the process by which dead leaves and other plant litter decompose into food useful to the trees.
Excess nitrogen causes algae blooms.
Why should more nitrogen over a gas cause more CO2 to stay in solution?
Excess nitrogen causes hypoxia, a loss of oxygen that has been killing the lobsterman's catch.
But too much nitrogen, especially on woody plants, can cause the speedy production of shoots and growth that cannot be supported by the root zones, with the result that the plant is in weakened.
Hypoxia occurs when nitrogen enters the Sound and causes excess algae growth.
Reactive nitrogen can cause serious air pollution problems.
If a diver fails to ascend at a carefully prescribed rate of speed, this retained nitrogen can cause dizziness, severe pain in the joints and, under extreme conditions, death.
However, liquid nitrogen applied to skin in mists, and on fabrics, bypasses this effect, and causes local frostbite immediately.
Excess nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus can cause eutrophication, upsetting the balance of the reef by enhancing algal growth and crowding out corals.