Decadence was the name given, originally by hostile critics, to several late nineteenth-century writers who valued artifice more than the earlier Romantics' naïve descriptions.
Albany James Christie, a nineteenth-century writer on Greek and Roman legend questions the authenticity of the letters.
Also, he says, it contrasts to, Jean-Pierre de Caussade, a nineteenth-century French writer who ".
John Rowe Townsend comments (1967, p. 159) that 'simply giving children pleasure seemed too frivolous an aim to most nineteenth-century writers'.
An early nineteenth-century writer.
She has also published on August Strindberg and other nineteenth-century Nordic writers, and maintains a keen interest in modernist studies.
Slade, who has been described as "one of the best nineteenth-century writers on the Middle East" wrote a number of books:
A nineteenth-century German writer observes:
Read everything they wrote, those nineteenth-century writers.
This was also the independent conclusion of Herbert Spencer, perhaps the most influential late nineteenth-century writer on sexual difference on both sides of the Atlantic.