A nineteen-year-old boy named Ambrosch has the same eyes, only more crafty and suspicious.
The impossibly beautiful nineteen-year-old boy grumpily stirred his perfect body and went off to do as he was bidden.
Until I turned forty or so, and then, suddenly, I had a nineteen-year-old boy, eager to rule, passionate for opportunity.
It was not the face of a nineteen-year-old boy in any kind of health.
Their colleagues tried to find out why a nineteen-year-old boy attracted such distinguished guests and quizzed the floor nurses.
One was a nineteen-year-old boy who lived in Fresno.
It's the story of how a nineteen-year-old boy made himself a million pounds in cash, and used it to buy a bank.
That I was instructed to do so by a seventeen-year-old girl and a nineteen-year-old boy and a professor of philosophy at the university?
Pretty good for a nineteen-year-old boy whom I took in as an apprentice just a few months ago to please a friend.
Two were students, a seventeen-year-old girl and a nineteen-year-old boy.