Marvel's related comic series was very popular with a nine-year run.
Changes were relatively few over the Century's nine-year run.
During their initial nine-year run, they became one of the most popular and influential political bands in contemporary music.
Peck's work was distributed exclusively in parochial schools and appeared throughout most of the title's nine-year run.
During the nine-year run of the league there were eleven cities, all from Pennsylvania, that represented the league.
He is trying to end a nine-year run of African champions.
The episode, according to the Nielsen ratings, averaged 33 million viewers, the largest audience in the show's nine-year run.
The program had a total of 233 episodes over its nine-year run and Carey was one of four actors to appear in every episode.
Over the nine-year run, various people sat in Cullen's place while he was on vacation.
Ferguson, Wallace and Sheldon were featured during the show's entire nine-year run.