A work-study program lets students complete its nine-month program by working 900 to 1,300 hours to pay for their classes.
The students will be local recruits who will work in Puerto Rico's police force after graduating from the nine-month program.
The Missionary Language School offers an intensive, nine-month program for career missionaries preparing to minister to Spanish-speaking people.
The interdisciplinary nine-month program is offered free every academic year to public and private elementary, middle and high schools throughout South Florida.
Students get course credit for the nine-month program, which includes a class on the Middle East before the 10-week trip and a summer internship afterward.
In Brazil, a nine-month program (one week per month) includes 360 hours of lectures.
The nine-month program features more than 100 events, among them concerts, exhibitions and film festivals.
Students seeking the Master of Science in Finance follow a nine-month program; it focuses on quantitative financial analysis.
Regular Members are expected to be in attendance for the full nine-month program.
If, at the end of the nine-month program, the children are better equipped for school, so too are their mothers.