Prices vary; a nine-day tour in France is about $2,100.
A similar nine-day tour is offered by Globus, (800) 851-0728, for $849 a person, double occupancy and can be arranged through a travel agent.
Women begin a nine-day tour in Atlanta today to vie for 12 final spots on the roster.
Last year, the company ran a similar nine-day tour that cost $1,299.
But your readers should be cautioned that the nine-day tour mentioned by Mr. Kinzer includes five full days "in transit."
Also offered was a nine-day self-drive tour with a recommended itinerary; the price of $2,408 for two included air fare, a rental car and accommodations.
Prime Minister Paul Martin leaves Canada for a nine-day tour of Asia.
Explore ( is offering a nine-day guided tour of Jordan from £1,689 per person (in groups of 12 to 16 people).
The press group's statement came after a nine-day tour of the country.
The dancers opened a nine-day tour here Saturday night and move on to Pusan and Taegu later this week.