He hoped with all his heart, that he could stay conscious until they reached the end of this nightmarish journey.
This example illustrates why the average person finds reading legal documents a nightmarish journey into a foreign land without a translator.
But, once there, this nightmarish journey would be over, He would leave the woman in capable hands and continue on to Qualinesti.
The nightmarish journey seemed to last a lifetime, yet it was only to the edge of the town.
The two embark on a nightmarish journey into the magical dreamworld of Britain, eventually finding themselves in the ruins of an "invisible college" teaching magic.
He claimed the first step on the "nightmarish journey" had been the acceptance of test tube babies or invitro fertilisation (IVF) in 1978.
Her return to the sinister island full of malevolent characters marks the beginning of a nightmarish journey where she learns that "some mysteries should never be revealed".
It was a nightmarish journey.
After a nightmarish journey, Lucia arrives at the castle of the Unnamed, where she is locked in a chamber.
Those are what he thought was vital enough to give his own life for, to uplink after a nightmarish journey across a very alien landscape.