Through this colorful fantasy they walked, miniature men crawling among nightmare shapes.
A nightmare shape took an interest in Svetz.
I had stopped seeing the nightmare shape when I shut my eyes but every so often the pigeon stirred just enough to keep me awake.
He hurled sense after sense into play, seeking what he wanted, reading the result in pain that fed back into him, nightmare shapes.
Slowly, with prodigious effort, he drew himself away from the crushing nightmare shape.
Architecture straight out of nightmares, and nightmare shapes moving through it.
Its head swayed in silhouette against the sky, a nightmare shape like a bloated Halloween jackolantern.
"We may find ourselves seeking converts among people with nightmare shapes," Aliana said.
A white mist fell like a curtain, filled with halfglimpsed nightmare shapes.
My imagination peopled the distances with nightmare shapes.