The nightmare receded like a dark tide.
Don't trust him . . . don't trust him. . . . The nightmare receded like a dark tide, and she came fully awake.
And business it is: as the nightmare of war recedes, it has been replaced by bustling, impromptu forms of industry that call for their own curious brand of sang-froid.
Bane's heart was still hammering, but the nightmare was receding now, falling through his memory.
My head felt clearer and the nightmare was receding.
Neither the stench of death nor the nightmares would recede.
With this agreement the nuclear nightmare recedes more and more for ourselves, for our children and for our grandchildren.
And somehow she knew that the dream had been more than just an ordinary dream.... As the nightmare receded, Grace became uncomfortably aware of how gloomy the study was.
The nightmares receded.
And gradually, as she pieced together Lesley's last hours, the nightmares had receded.