They credit him, among other things, with ensuring that the campaign's ballooning complement of spokesmen and surrogates are working from the same script, by conducting nightly and morning sessions coordinating strategy and tactics.
John Ziegler hosts the Monday Night Jams; a nightly session in which audience members get to sit in with some of the greats.
Each nightly session will begin at 7 P.M. in Houston, which is 8 P.M. on the East Coast.
For their part, the workers earn extra pay for the nightly sessions in the open stone vats called lagars.
The video and audio from his nightly two-hour sessions at the computer keyboard are transmitted live over the Internet.
Robyn's "Body Talk" trilogy became an excuse to lead a nightly aerobic session that demanded a question of every other live musician: Why so sleepy?
Ali to Be Honored Muhammad Ali, the namesake for this tournament, has been very visible during the nightly sessions.
CNN is planning to start its reporting of the Democratic convention in New York City at 8 P.M., and to follow each nightly session until it ends.
The nightly sessions take a toll on Keith, who cannot stay awake anymore.