A nightly half-hour report (through Jan. 29), it's about the films (with sneak peeks), the parties, maybe even the skiing.
The nightly reports reflect one side of a two-part Chinese official attitude toward other countries after the crushing of the democracy movement.
These are judgments that hundreds of editors and news directors around the country receive in nightly reports of The Times's "frontings."
I checked the camp's nightly report for new arrivals.
I will need to note this in my nightly report, though.
They mark it in their nightly reports.
Kralick, looking drained and pale, went off to file his nightly report to Washington.
She wanted to do a feature interview with Shig for her nightly report.
Ross connected her transmitting equipment to make the nightly report to Houston.
I asked, as the picture switched to the nightly reports on the illegitimate-birth catastrophe and the takeover of the whole world by savage crack dealers.