Their nightly conversations turned romantic after a few months, and they began dreaming aloud of running away to the South Pacific together and setting up house in a thatched hut.
Bourke also claims that another prisoner in the same wing picked up part of their nightly conversations on his radio.
Their nightly conversations had covered a variety of philosophical and speculative topics, but never this one.
Or maybe a family member unknowingly carries on nightly conversations.
His wife usually only found out about his daring episodes when she overheard his nightly conversations with his boss, whom they sometimes referred to as his "other wife."
Mr. Delmar, Alice's 7th grade English teacher, discusses religion with Alice during one of their many nightly conversations about life.
All New Yorkers can do, far from the gruesome realities of war, is amplify their daily ingestion of news and engage in nightly conversation.
After some months Osman forgave her for bearing a girl, and resumed their nightly conversations and lovemaking.
One mother said she had nightly conversations with her 14-year-old son, to insure that he would know "a true history," since his teacher still abided by the old books.
The only escape for his creative instincts, besides nightly conversations with a poster of Robert De Niro's Raging Bull, is occasional bottom-of-the-line stage melodramas.